Thursday, December 02, 2010

Dialogues with Dallas

We pulled out the tree tonight. This makes the second year in a row that the boys have decorated it completely themselves. (Letting go of my control issues has been freeing indeed.). Anyway, afterward Dallas told us that we (Kenny and I) should put fish hooks onto the backs of our shirts so that he could hang us on the tree because we were the most loved ornaments of all. /pride

I guess that's a good sign that Dallas isn't going to hold anything against me considering that I once again ripped the innocence out of one of my boys. He asked tonight about Santa and begged to know the truth. Forty five minutes of crying and 2 cookies later, he made the comment mentioned above. It was a bit relieving to hear, but this night will go down in history not for that comment, but instead as the night that the magic was taken away. :-(