Friday, December 21, 2007

The Power Of Four

I love technology. I'm a gadget junkie and I love electronics. But today, I am extremely thankful for one in particular phone addition that we have in this age; the ability to conference call.

Back in Reno, myself and 3 of my closest friends decided that we needed to meet a couple of times a month for the purpose of prayer. It was nothing for us to sit for hours on end and fellowship and pray for one another. And I believe that my prayer life grew stronger than ever during that time. I saw many many answered prayers...but what's more, I developed a deeper relationship with each of these women than I ever thought possible. There is something about praying with another person that allows you to see deep into who they are. I don't know why I was chosen for this privilege, but I do not take it for granted.

When our family moved to Texas, I was taken out of that foursome and have missed the time that was spent together immensely. Over the months, the three of them continued to meet...often lifting me up during their prayer time knowing full well how much I was struggling to adapt to our new life here.

Recently, another member of our foursome moved to Wisconsin. Yet she had the idea to four-way call a couple of times a month...and that's just what we did today, minus one who is attending a funeral. Anyway, I can't put into words just how powerful our time together is, even over the phone separated by thousands of miles. Just getting to hear all of our voices on the same line is so filling. We cry and laugh together and share an intimacy with one another that I have never experienced outside of my marriage.

As we filled each other in on what is happening with our lives today, I found myself crying. Two of my dear sisters are experiencing the same pains that myself and the third sister in my group experienced when I moved to Texas. Having been down that road, it was all I could do to pray and cry in sympathy at the knowledge that their journey was just beginning.

I don't know why God separated our little foursome, but I know that He is sovereign and I trust that He works all things for His purpose...and His purpose is ALWAYS good. Even when it brings tears to our eyes that can't be contained, He is always good and I will forever praise His name and serve Him.

I am so thankful for these women and the time that we share together in prayer. I often thank God for placing them in my life and I sincerely look forward to the day when we are in our King's presence, praising Him for all of eternity. I just know that in Heaven, we will be neighbors and won't have to burden the pain of separation anymore. I so very much look forward to that day!

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