Thursday, February 14, 2008

Starting to Move

After many hours of labor, we moved our first load over to the new house tonight. There is still a lot to do; many rooms still to paint and tons of landscaping to do. But at least we are now moving forward. I believe that tonight might be our last night here. I'm pretty sure that we'll start sleeping over at the other house tomorrow. Finally!

Aside from finally moving some stuff to the new house, I'd have to say that the highlight of my day was when our family was participating in our dinner-time "high-low" game. Each night that we gather around the dinner table, we each confess our high and low point for the day. What made my day was hearing Dallas say that his "high" for the day was knowing that I was his Valentine. Talk about melting my heart.

Aside from the house and loving my children beyond comprehension...I've been gearing up for some volunteer work at my church. In the next couple of weeks, I will be coordinating Financial Peace University. It's been 5 years since I/we took this 13 week course and it has completely changed the way that Kenny and I handle our finances. I wish that I could say that we haven't made mistakes since taking the course, but that would be a lie. However, we're back on track and I'm looking forward to helping other families along their journey as well.

Well, I guess that's about it for now. I can't believe that I haven't posted anything for so long. I guess that I've been busier than I realized. Still...that is no excuse. I am hoping to post some "after" pictures of the house very soon so as to document what I've been busy/distracted with. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Guitron said...

Promises, Promises...