Monday, March 26, 2007

The cool thing about MySpace

So, when my brother-in-law clued me in on MySpace, I thought, "That is exactly what I DON'T need...another gadget that takes up more of my time." I didn't really see the point in it...seemed very juvenille and self-absorbed. And to be truthful, knowing my obsessive personality, I would probably take to it and spend way too much time with it anyway.

All good reasons to NOT creat an account, right? But NOOOOO, I created one anyway, "just to try it". I'm sure this is what crack addicts say about the first time they toked up a doobie. And although I'm not so into MySpace that I'm updating my profile or pictures every 3 days, I do log in just to snoop around to see what people are up to. I'm finding, however, that most people must be doing exactly what I'm doing, snooping, since it seems nobody ever updates what's going on in their lives. Ok...I can live with that. It's probably a good thing considering that if anyone actually blogged their life like a soap opera, I'd never get a thing done around this house.

Back to my point though...and I do have one. The cool thing about MySpace that I'm finding is the fact that when you find old friends or even acquaintances, you're mind magically takes you back to a time that you haven't thought about in years. People can remind you of events that you have long forgotten (sometimes by choice).

The magic in this is that it reminds you of where you've come from and who you are. Speaking for many mothers of young children, THAT is the biggest struggle of being a great mom; losing your identity. You pour so much time and energy into your children that you forget to put yourself on the list. The passions that you once had fade away amid the thousands of diaper changes and sleepless nights. I believe so many mothers, myself included, get caught up in the whirlwind of their children and martyr themselves for the sake of the family. The end result is that years (and unwanted pounds) later, they have disconnected with the core elements of who they once were.........In steps MySpace, ta-daaaaa, to save the day, or at least help us frazzled moms reconnect.

I've love the fact that you can see a face from yesteryear and you are immediately taken back in time. You have the opportunity to relive in your memory an experience that you may not have thought about in years. And suddenly you reconnect, if just for a moment, with who you once where; that person who has been an essential building block in whom you've become today. I think that's important; self reflection. A time to take inventory is essential for anyone who strives to better themselves and not just take up room on this planet. I believe that those who can do this throughout their lives are the ones who face death without fear. They have lived life on purpose...something I strive for, if not daily, then at least every time I'm reminded of where I came from and who I once was.

1 comment:

Guitron said...

You're background and circumstances may influence who you are-but you are responsible for who you become." What you've become is something that is very rare in today's society. A good mother, wife and friend...