Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I want my size 8's again

One of the many questions that I plan on asking God is why He makes weight loss so much harder than weight gain. I'd especially like to know why He found it fit to create us so that we easily pack on the pounds during pregnancy and then made it so difficult to lose it again.

Now that Kenny and I are done having children, the weight that I gained during my three pregnancies is really starting to bother me. I don't really have a lot to lose, but I've never had to battle so hard to lose the weight. It's always come off pretty easily for me. But something has happened. Call it what you want: aging, life's natural process, slowing metabolism, whatever. I call it unfair.

For the last month, I've been pretty consistent with my workouts. And what I dreaded a month ago, I now look forward to. It's amazing how quickly your body adapts and then craves a good workout. Anyway, I've never actually "dieted" and don't really consider that I am doing so now. I'm just trying to tune in to my body; I stop eating when I'm satisfied and am making better choices about what I eat.

Progress or regression will be posted in the future. I need some sort of accountability, even if that only means publicly posting my success or failures. I've got 25 pounds to lose; not a lot by some people's measure, but "some people" aren't me so they can shut their pie-holes. My genetic make up tells me that I should not be 146 pounds and a size 12. My natural size should be around 120 pounds and size 8. So there it goal. I'll post again in the future on this subject if only for myself.

1 comment:

Guitron said...

I'm right there with you dear. I gained 60 pounds during Heidi's pregnancy. That's typo 60. I'm at 240 and I just look "big", I want to get back down to about 187 lbs which is about what I weighed on my profile picture.

And pressure? Try having a wife who is a world ranked athelete and has a waist smaller than my arms. She's put me on notice so I'm back on a low carb diet (makes me grouchy) and hitting the gym again. We can do this together!