Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Dressing Room Reflections

A handful of days ago, I was almost done with a post when my stinkin' laptop crashed and I lost it all. So, let's see if this goes any better. Same subject, just more material....

I don't know which flaw is more detrimental to my well being: the fact that I am a horrible procrastinator or the fact that I am completely OCD with a dash of ADD. Today, I'd like to ponder my OCD/ADD tendencies and how they came into play with my weight loss goals.

A few months ago, I had unwavering determination to lose 25 pounds by this month. I knew that this was the month that I'd most likely be shopping for a new swimsuit and did not want to purchase the same size suit that I purposely threw away three months ago. So I set out with knowledge, determination and a fool-proof plan that would deliver me to my goal. And had I stuck with that plan, I probably wouldn't have had to experience the self-loathing that I did as I purchased my swimsuit last night. I don't think I need to tell you that I haven't lost any of the weight that I set out to.

I was actually doing quite well for the first month. I was exercising regularly, had toned up quite a bit and really felt great physically. Then my parents came into town for a visit. Next thing I know, one day of missed exercise and healthy eating turned into two which turned into seven which turned into sixty-plus.

This is where the OCD/ADD comes into play. You see, I will obsess over any one thing for days...even months, as long as nothing else comes along to detract me from that one thing. This is a mixed blessing. It makes me good at anything that I set out to do....that is, if I complete it. You see, that dash of ADD usually kicks in and sets me on a detour. So, if I'm on an exercise regime, I'm usually good up until something else comes along that captures my attention and obsession.

I'm hoping that the horrific dressing room reflections that have been burned into my memory will be enough motivation to get my obsessive tendencies focused on my health once again. I know this is something that I can accomplish and that I need to do for my own sanity's sake. I just hope that the small ADD tendencies that I have don't kick in and............oh look, a chicken!

1 comment:

Guitron said...

Just wanted you to know since your first post in regards to getting into a size 8, I made a conscious effort to lay off carbs as my last meal of the day. It's been a few weeks and I've lost 15 lbs. Pretty soon I'll be back down to a comfortable 185 lbs. It's all because of you dear, so you can do it. Don't give up!