Saturday, October 20, 2007

Home Here In Texas

Following a long overdue date with my husband, I headed to the airport to pick up one of my best friends who has extended a leg of her business trip to come over here to Texas for a visit. I can't describe how great it feels just to be in her presence again. As she sleeps in, I decided to snag a few moments and blog on how much better my heart feels just to have her here.

It's a wonderful thing; friendship. It can be medicine for the heart. The pain and stress that I have been feeling due to our housing situation has seemed to vanish for the moment. Instead, I am thinking about the time that we'll have to spend together instead of worrying about who will come to either rent or purchase our house in Reno.

Just having her here to share in my daily life is a blessing that I can't measure or thank her for enough. I look forward to the simple activities that she will join me in over the next few shopping, little league baseball games, dinner out. We really don't have much planned that includes "Texas". She's just here to see my family and to reconnect.

I wonder if she knows how much I needed her here.

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