Saturday, January 05, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Kenny and I signed papers at the title company yesterday. It's official: we're homeowners here in Texas. I wonder if this officially makes us Texans....nah. But it does allow us someplace more permanent to hang our hats. A place to customize to our liking. I'm already picking out paint colors and flooring. It's exciting, but not as exciting as when we bought our first home in Reno. There was something magical about our first home purchase....almost like a dream realized. Anyway, the next chapter is about to begin for us here in the Lone Star State.

I believe that I mentioned before (at least in our Christmas newsletter) that I would be posting before and after pictures of the house. I've already got a slide show set up with before pictures. Once we get started, I'll start posting more. In fact, I may even post on the go with my newest electronic gadget: the Treo 755. Most everyone knows that I'm a gadget/electronics junkie. So when my cell phone finally pooped out, Kenny surprised me with a Blackberry. I wasn't too thrilled with the cost associated with having a Blackberry, but could accept those associated with the Treo. Plus, I'm able to run an updated version of my beloved HandyShopper software on it. Yeah, I know....I'm a nerd.

On another note, it looks as though 2008 is off to a running start as far as church ministries. If everything goes as I expect it to, I'll be facilitating Financial Peace University at the Keller campus of our church. In addition to that, it looks as though the Women's Adventure Retreat is in need of a I'll step into that roll as well. To be quite honest, I'm scared to death. Already, the self doubt and fear is setting in. But that's the beauty of my faith....when I step out to do something knowing full well that it can't be done of my own strength, but can be done only through submission to my Lord. I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. Phil 4:13.

As for today, we've got a basketball game to watch this morning as Jason and his buddy Boston play their first game in this new sport. They already rock as baseball players....let's see if they can dominate another sport. (I'm not a proud mother or anything.) Then, we're off to the house to allow the boys to pick their bedrooms. After that, who knows. Maybe Lowes to pick more paint swatches, maybe back home to start boxing up stuff, maybe we'll just take the day off and enjoy a movie. Regardless of what it is, I guess it's time to actually get it started.

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