Sunday, January 13, 2008

I Don't Need No Stinking Instructions

I can barely tap the keys on my laptop without wincing in pain. But I just had to post that WE ARE DONE! We chipped away at the last section of mortar after about 8 hours of labor. Even though I'm sore and tired, the sense of accomplishment was worth it.

I have to admit though, about 7 hours into our chip-fest, Kenny noticed that the chisel blade wasn't put in the right way. I had it upside down. Oops! Needless to say, he shot me a look of dissatisfaction. And boy did flipping that chisel around make a difference. The mortar came up so much easier once the chisel was in the right way. My arms were actually being pelted by the mortar once the chisel was installed right. Geez, you'd think that Kenny would have noticed that YESTERDAY. What was he thinking, leaving such monumental decisions to a woman? Man, you'd think that he actually trusted me and believed that I knew what I was doing! Men...I tell you.

If that weren't bad enough, as we were heading back to Home Depot to return the chipping hammer, I noticed on the pages behind the rental receipt were the instructions for the chipper. Seems that there is a control lever on that piece of equipment.... Level 1-2: Plaster and drywall. Level 3: Tile Removal. Level 4: Masonry. Level 5-6: Concrete. Yeah...needless to say, I had it set to level 1. Once again, I wonder how much faster and easier this job could have been had I taken the time to actually read the instructions.

Feeling a bit guilty about this whole ordeal in hindsight, I tried to convince Kenny that it was worth it considering that we had put our own sweat into the project. I asked him if he felt the same sense of accomplishment as I did and whether or not he would do it again. I believe his reply was, "Let's see, I just gave up $500 worth of OT hours where I would have been doing something that is 10 times less strenuous...and I could have watched the playoffs while working that OT....hmmm, I'm not sharing your enthusiasm." Of course, he was teasing...I think. Well, at least he said it with a smile on his face. He is a good man, my husband. He supports my crazy endeavors time and time again. He even put about 4 loads of laundry away this morning. I don't know what I did to deserve such dedication and support, but he sends it my way time and time again. Even when I neglect to read the instructions.

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