Thursday, March 27, 2008


Lately, my very best friends have been coming under various attacks. One is dealing with her spouse's major health issues and another confronts the demons of a troubled child.

In times like these, many would say that God is not a good God. That He is absent from the every day struggles of man. That He doesn't care or won't get involved in His creation's problems. However, I can not accept this theory. I have seen what prayer can do. I have witnessed miracles. I have experienced transformation. I cling to the hope that is Jesus Christ.

I use to think that people who said things like this were just speaking "Christianese" and that it was just lipservice given to a bad situation. However, the more I grow and further my walk in Christ, I realize that the hope therein is more true and heavier in substance than I ever thought possible. All of life's answers are found in Christ...all of them. So during these troubling times, I turn to Him, I petition for my beloved, I trust in His authority and Word and sovereignty. It's all I can do.... and it's enough.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

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