Friday, June 29, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me

Yesterday, I celebrated my 29th birthday for the 7th time. I don't know why I just said that. I really don't have issues with my age. Let me start again...Yesterday, I celebrated my 35th birthday. Seeing that I promised to be transparent in this blog, let me just say, IT SUCKED! Not because I turned I said, I don't have issues with my age. It sucked because my husband, who has known me for 13 years, STILL doesn't know that when I say I don't want a gift, I don't mean it!!!

As you can guess, I didn't receive anything from him for my birthday. And I guess I am at fault, at least partly. I tell him every year that I don't want anything. And when the words leave my mouth, I really do mean them. I'm not trying to trick him or set him up for failure. However, when my birthday rolls around and "nothing" is exactly what I get from him....I GET PISSED!!! And you would think that after 13 years with the man, he would have caught on to my pattern. BUT NOOOOOO. So instead of blogging yesterday on how wonderful it was to celebrate another year on this earth, I pouted like a 4 year old. I'm not above poutting....and I can admit it.

It wasn't like I didn't give him plenty of ideas. I've been asking for a pressure washer for a couple of months now. I've show interest in golf clubs. I have mentioned that a carpet cleaner would be a helpful tool in keeping the house looking nice. I even let him know that I needed some work out clothes since I'm hitting the gym again. Nevermind the fact that we can't afford much of anything because the house in Reno is still for sale which means we're forking out an additional $1550 a month that we never know from where it will come. And yes, he is completely right in pointing that fact out and telling me that he holds off on gifts because he knows that I'm stressed about the house. But that didn't make me feel any better. I was acting like a four year old...I knew it...and I was not going to let up. I wanted a stinking gift to open on my birthday. Waa...

I don't know why I get this way. I really don't care about the actual gift. I think I just want to know that he is paying attention to the things that I tell him. Producing a gift proves that he has been paying attention. I guess I'd be fine with a note from him detailing out everything that he wanted to do, but didn't because of the house. At least I would know that he had something planned. And he did say exactly that. He had plans, but didn't execute them because of the financial strain we're under. My first thought was, "Bullsh*t....if it were a baseball game, we'd have tickets in hand." But I didn't say that. And I'm sure that I'll get the cold shoulder once he reads this...but hey, I promised to be transparent and I'm writting from the heart.

Ok, enough about how disappointed/hurt/angry I was yesterday. After I took a nice long nap, I spent the rest of my day with the boys and that was fun. We really didn't do much. Just hung out and spent time together. In the evening, we headed out to the front yard to play a little catch. However, that didn't last too long before ANOTHER rainstorm hit us. But instead of going inside, the boys asked if they could play in the rain. My kneejerk reaction was to say no, but then I thought, "Why not?" So play in the rain they did. They had a blast too, as I'm sure you can see from the pictures. It wasn't until Keegan slipped twice on some sort of gooey slippery fungus thing in the gutter did the fun stop. After that incident, we headed inside and dried off.

I capped off the evening by watching a bad movie (Stomp the Yard) while sipping on a nice mixture of iced Starbucks liquer and milk. I guess it made the movie a little more tolerable. After that, I turned in and read for a while. The boys decided that they "needed" to sleep with me, so I let them. And I guess all in all, they are the best gifts that I could ever receive. They give me life and inspire me to be a better person. Yeah, they are definitely the best gifts ever....although a pressure washer would have been nice.

1 comment:

Guitron said...

I'm right behind you dear...20 days and counting. Happy belated birthday! 35 Yikes!