Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Since I don't want to let too much more time pass before I enter another post, here goes....

The boys (Jason & Dallas) and I will be boarding a flight tomorrow for Cincinnatti. We're meeting up with Robb & Marie to do a show. I have been promising them for about a year now that this summer, they could come to another one of the shows that they do. I'm not sure what other shows we will be able to make before the school year starts again, so this is really their only chance. Anyway, it should be a great way to spend 4th of July. It's a 3 day Christian Concert festival at Kings Island. We did this show last year and had a blast. It's always hard work, but a fun time. So that is how I will spend this year's 4th. Unfortunately, Kenny couldn't get the time off from work. So he'll stay back with Keegan and hang out here.

Baseball for Jason is finally over, at least until the Fall. They lost their last tournament game Saturday. It would be a stretch to say that it was a close game, but it really wasn't. Their team barely showed up to play. I think that they lost interest since the games were constantly being postponed due to rain. That combined with a lack of practice was just enough rust to put them on the losing end. So be it...I'm actually glad to have the rest of the summer free so that we can travel around for some much needed friend & family time. I just feel bad for the kids who really do love playing baseball. They very much wanted to win so that they could continue on in tournament play. I guess there is always next year.

Let's see...what else.....oh, I'm proud to say that I'm back in the gym and once again on my quest to lose the extra 25 pounds that I've been carrying around for about 3 years now. I've actually talked a friend and her husband into leaving their gym and joining the gym that Kenny and I go to so that I have a workout partner. It has seemed to help. Knowing that I am being held accountable for showing up does motivate me to get out of bed on time and get down there. Anyway, we've been at it for about 3 weeks now. Of course I haven't seen the scale move any. However, my body fat is down 1%. (I started at 33%, yes...33%.) So that's a good thing I suppose. And the fact that I can keep up for the most part makes me feel somewhat decent considering that I've got 9 years on my workout buddy. I actually appreciate the fact that she is in much better shape than I am. It gives me something to strive for. I don't like working out with people who don't push themselves at the gym...so it's a good thing that she's always a step ahead of me. I like the motivation to catch up to her and I imagine that with that attitude, eventually I will start to lose some weight and more body fat.

I guess that's about it. I think I'll check out for now and head off to watch one of my Netflix selections.

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