Thursday, April 12, 2007

Brain Drain Post

I've been browsing my friend's blog trying to catch up on where his life has taken him and came across this entry. I thought it was a fun post so here it is again with all new answers....

10 Favorites
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Color: Depends on my mood
Favorite Time: When Kenny gets home from work
Favorite Food: Tacos
Favorite Drink: Kahlua & Cream or Michelob Ultra
Favorite Ice Cream: Chunky Monkey
Favorite Place: My bed
Favorite Sport: Softball (to play)
Favorite Actor: Don't have one. I appreciate it when an actor has a superb performance, but I don't have a favorite. I do believe that Tom Hanks consistently has put out great performances. Also like Leonardo Di Caprio, Johnny Depp, Dustin Hoffman, Anthony Hopkins.
Favorite Actress: Same as above. I just watched Sophie's Choice and was BLOWN AWAY by Meryl Streep's performance. I also loved Sally Field in Steel Magnolia's, Sandra Bullock in Hope Floats, Marlee Matlin in Children of a Lesser many great performances by actors & actresses alike....too many to list here.

9 Currents
Current Feeling: Drained
Current Drink: None
Current Time: 23:07
Current Show on TV: Something on the History channel
Current Mobile Used: Samsung phone; pink
Current Windows Open: This blog
Current Underwear: Hanes string bikinni
Current Clothes: Camisole and pj pants
Current Thought: I'm glad Kenny is home and wish he weren't working tomorrow so that we could spend some much needed time together

8 Firsts
First Nickname: Punkin (my dad called me this) and Sugar-Babe (my grandparents called me this)
First Kiss: Jeremy somebody or another. It was a blind date. I chewed gum the whole time hoping that he wouldn't want to kiss me. It didn't work....and it was gross.
First Crush: My babysitter's body building husband. I don't remember his name, but I remember his body....hubba, hubba!
First Best Friend: Angela Warwick, 3rd grade.
First Vehicle I Drove: Toyota Corona station wagon, baby...yeah! It was known as the "Cool Corona".
First Job: Thrifty Drug Store...I was the ice cream scooper back when a single dip was .35 cents.
First Date: Junior Prom with Josh Lance. He wanted to kiss me too, but I chickened out.
First Pet: My cat, Goofus. We had other family pets, but I claimed Goofus as my own when I was around 7 years old.

7 Lasts
Last Drink: Coke Zero
Last Kiss: My hubby as he headed to work.
Last Meal: Cherrios (1/2 regular and 1/2 Honey Nut) in 1% milk.
Last Web Site Visited: American Heart Association
Last Movie Watched: Sophie's Choice
Last Phone Call: My mother-in-law to let me know that her dog finally came back inside and it only cost her $5 to pay off the neighborhood kids chasing him.
Last TV Show Watched: Boston Legal

6 Have You Evers
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yes.
Have You Ever Been Drunk: Yes
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: No...oh wait a minute, yes I have. But it was only a peck on the lips.
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire: No.
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Come to think of it, I have not. I'm going to have to work on that one for sure!
Have You Ever Broken Anyones Heart: I don't believe so. I know that I've been hurtful to some people, but "broken" their

5 Things
Things You Can Hear Right Now: The dogs breathing, Keegan's sound machine and the tapping of the keys on my laptop.
Things You Ate Today: Mexican concoction, taquitos, cereal
Things You Can't Live Without: My salvation, my husband, my 3 children
Things You Do When You Are Bored: Browse the internet, read, watch my Tivo recordings

4 Places You Have Been Today: My mother-in-law's house, the dentist office for a cleaning, Jason's school, the gas station on 287.

3 Things On Your Desk Right Now: Dust, unfiled paperwork, the stapler that I threw at Kenny 2 days ago for saying that I sit on my butt and eat bon-bon's all day. He thought that was funny.

2 Choices
Black or White: Black
Hot or Cold Weather: Cold

1 Place You Want To Visit: New England area in the Fall

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