Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Sesame Street is entertaining Keegan so I guess it's a good time to blog. Since I've been limited to my laptop access for the last week, I've got a few things that I'd like to write about. So...let me pick's talk about the house.

Our house in Reno is back on the market. This job transfer to Texas couldn't have happened at a worse time when it comes to real estate. A year and a half ago, our model in our neighborhood was going for $60k more than what we have it on the market for today. I can live with that. There is still plenty of profit for us in what we have it listed for. The problem is that it isn't selling.

A year ago, we put it on the market. It stayed there for 6 months without one offer. We were competitively priced, but in a saturated market. After 6 months, we had no other option but to rent it out. That situation didn't turn out so well...and is quite honestly worthy of another blog post on the value of keeping one's word.

Two days ago, our realtor called to let us know that by this weekend, we may have our first offer. Although it sounds very promising, I am trying to not get my hopes up. However, that is extrememly difficult.

Having our house remain unsold makes us question whether or not we made the right decision in coming here. If it would just sell, our family could get on with our life here in Texas. Kenny wouldn't have to worry about gobbling up every overtime hour that is offered....the boys could participate in customizing their own room and backyard play area....I guess we're all just looking for some closure and reassurance that our relocation was the right thing. So far, it feels less than right. And I believe that the emotional weight of still owning our house in Reno is one of the reasons that we feel like square pegs here....and I'm tired of feeling that way. In fact, I don't wrestle with the emotions of this relocation as much today as I did in 2006. I finally feel like Texas can be a great place for us if we'll just let it be so. But until our house in Reno sells, I know the uncertainty of our decision will loom over our heads.

Deep down, I'm hoping that by Monday I'll be able to post the good news of an acceptable offer. I'm ready to move forward but feel helplessly paralized until that house sells. It's hard to lay down roots when they're still grounded in another state. Here's hoping for a successful tug.


Guitron said...

I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I saw that one of your rooms is colored after his purple badness. You'll never change.

It's a terrible time to sell right now. There have been articles in the Sacramento Bee for the past two years about the housing market being terrible for sellers. We are looking to possibly buy but totally know it would be tough to sell our house. We've thought about renting as well.

Your house looks great except it's in RENO....I hope you get what your asking price is. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Heather said...

Gots to keep it real, baby! :-)