Tuesday, April 24, 2007

That was CLOSE!!!

I never knew what real weather was until we moved here to Texas. It rains BIG rain drops here. It hails BIG hail balls here. The wind blows HARD here. Heck, it has even snowed since I've been here. Tornados you ask? Yep, we got 'em!

I use to wonder how photographers were able to capture images of lightning. "How do they know where to aim their cameras?", I'd often wonder. Well, I now know that when a thunder and lightning storm comes through where there is real weather, it's not hard to find a lightning bolt. They're EVERYWHERE....and they strike OFTEN, which brings me to the reason that I post tonight.

Earlier today as Jason and Dallas played in the front room, I decided that I could no longer put off vacuuming the house. The dogs had been indoors all day due to the storms and their fur was shedding off onto the already disgusting carpet. So, I whipped out the Dyson and began the process.

As I neared the living room back door, I had the strangest experience that I still can't explain. At first, I thought that the vacuum had malfunctioned and that I was being electrocuted by it. Why else would my vision get blinded by shades of red, white, red and then white again? I could see nothing else...just red, white, red and white again; like I was looking at the back of my eyelids and had those colors flash before me. That experience lasted about 1/20th of a second. The next thing I know, the house is shaking and the deafening sounds of a lightning bolt making contact with earth rings in my ears.

If I had time to process what had just happened, I might have actually freaked out. Instead however, I found myself laughing out loud.

No sooner had I turned around when I saw Jason and Dallas running toward me from the other room. They are both wearing nothing but their underwear and are screaming at the top of their lungs with pure fright in their eyes. As Jason got closer, I realized that his speed was not decreasing! Next thing I know, he has Scooby-Doo jumped into my arms...literally.

I can't pry him off of me for anything. All the while, Dallas wears a mixed look of confusion and fear on his face. He looks to Jason for guidance as to how to react to what has just happened. As you can imagine, it wasn't long before they were both in need of some major reassurance from their dear ol' mommy.

When I finally was able to pry Jason off of my body, I saw that he had lost all color. No exaggeration; he was white as a sheet. Yes, even whiter than what he normally is. Once again, I broke into laughter, which was probably the best thing for everyone. Mind you, it was a nervous laugh, but we all laughed just the same.

I still don't know how close that lightning bolt actually came to us. I wouldn't be surprised if it was within 100 yards of our house if not right on top of us. It certainly was a sobering wake up call to the pure power of that energy and the even mightier, astounding, unfathomable power of whom it was created by.

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